Apple Link Tracking Protection : Everything about the iOS17 update

Nov 27, 2023

While Apple Mail Privacy Protection has already forced email professionals to review how they analyze their campaigns, the IOS 17 update will continue to shape our business practice

Apple has launched a beta of its update, scheduled for fall 2023, and Mindbaz developers have been granted access to it. Link Tracking Protection (LTP), as it’s known, tackles link tracking. Here’s how it works.

What’s new with the IOS 17 update and its impact for email marketers

Apple Link Tracking Protection: what does it mean for marketing campaigns?

Apple has warned: the IOS 17 update and, a little later, the macOS Sonoma update, will impact tracking in Apple Mail, Messages and Safari.

Apple is preparing to reduce the number of parameters that can be used in URLs to analyze the results of marketing campaigns. The aim is to strengthen the protection of Apple users’ privacy by reducing cross-website tracking of individuals.  

Until now, this tracking has enabled companies to monitor how individuals have browsed a website as part of a marketing campaign, including email campaigns.  

Apple will change URLs containing specific parameters by deleting them: the impact will involve links opened in private Safari browsing* from Apple Messages and Apple Mail.

When a user copies or shares a link from these apps, the parameters are stripped from the URLs.



Source :

The impact of Link Tracking Protection on campaign URLs: Example

Here’s an example provided by Apple in their “What’s new in Privacy” video (25’20)
In this example, the initial link has a parameter that would not be allowed by Apple (“click_id”):


Apple will remove the unauthorized parameter from the URL and rebuild the URL to remove the parameter that would allow the individual to be tracked:


The issue

However, you will no longer be able to retrieve the information returned by this parameter.

The full list of parameters affected by the update is listed below in this article. 

What about sending emails?

You choose to send an email containing a link with a parameter prohibited by Apple.  

When a user clicks on the link in Apple Mail to Safari, the link could be rebuilt in Safari without the tracking parameter. Contact tracking through the parameter will be lost.

This depends on your contact’s use of Safari:

  • Do they use Safari? 
  • Private browsing or “normal” browsing mode?
  • What preference has been selected in the “Advanced Tracking and Fingerprinting Protection” settings?
    • Off: Disabled
    • Private Browsing
    • All Browsing: “Normal” mode 

    Read also: Email glossary: definitions and examples

    Parameters impacted by Link Tracking Protection

    As we write this article, the LTP update is only available in its beta version. Our team, which has access to this version, is gradually discovering the parameters impacted by this update.

    __hsfpHubSpot tracking parameter
    __hsscHubSpot tracking parameter
    __hstcHubSpot tracking parameter email address tracking parameter
    _hsencHubSpot tracking parameter
    _openstatYandex tracking parameter
    dclidDoubleClick Click ID (Google)
    fbclidFacebook Click Identifier
    gclidGoogle Click Identifier
    hsCtaTrackingHubSpot tracking parameter
    mc_eidMailchimp Email ID (email recipient’s address)
    mkt_tokAdobe Marketo tracking parameter
    ml_subscriberMailerLite email tracking
    ml_subscriber_hashMailerLite email tracking
    msclkidMicrosoft Click ID
    oly_anon_idOmeda marketing ‘anonymous’ customer id
    oly_enc_idOmeda marketing ‘known’ customer id
    rb_clickidUnknown high-entropy tracking parameter
    s_cidAdobe SiteCatalyst tracking parameter
    vero_convVero tracking parameter
    vero_idVero tracking parameter
    wickedidWicked Reports e-commerce tracking

    Yandex Click ID

    Parameters that are not on this list will therefore not, in theory, be affected by Apple’s Link Tracking Protection update. However, it is possible that this list may evolve. We will update this article to keep you up-to-date.

    LTP: For Apple users

    Apple will be adding a new section to iPhones’ settings: “Advanced Tracking and Fingerprinting Protection“.

    This option will be limited to private browsing by default. This means that the impact of the LTP update will be relatively limited. 

    *Apple users will be able to change this option:

    • Enable on all browsing

    All the above parameters will be consistently filtered out.

    • Set filter to private browsing

    Tracking will run on public “normal” browsing mode

    • Disable LTP filter

    Tracking of your campaigns will be consistently enabled

    Apple Link Tracking Protection est optionnel chez les utilisateurs d'iPhone

    Key dates for Link Tracking Protection

    📆June 5, 2023
    First beta version of Link Tracking Protection available using a Developer account.

    📆 July 12
    Public beta release

    📆 Mid-September
    Release of iOS 17 update

    📆 Fall 2023
    Release of macOS Sonoma update

    What impact for Mindbaz router customers?

    Based on the parameter list in this article, the overall conclusions are reassuring for Mindbaz clients: 

    No Mindbaz-specific tracking parameters are impacted by this update. This means that if you don’t use any of the parameters listed above in your Mindbaz-tracked URLs, none of your URLs will be impacted by this release.

    Those using UTMs will still be able to track the impact of their email campaigns unchanged.

    Data protection, security and Apple

    This isn’t the first update from Apple that shows a trend towards protecting its customers’ data.

    In 2021, iOS 15 raised concerns in the marketing community with Apple Mail Privacy Protection (Apple MPP).

    Rachel, Lead Product Manager at Mindbaz, talked about the impact of this update, including:

    • The end of pixel-based email opening detection in Apple Mail
    • The end of IP address-based geolocation detection

      This new feature, which is optional like Link Tracking Protection, encourages email specialists to be extra careful when analyzing email campaigns. 

      Some email routers, such as Mindbaz, have recently added the ability to filter out dummy Apple opens directly in the campaign statistics tab.


      Discover the 10 emailing statistics you need to know this year